Bedfordshire Hardship Fun Appeal

17 October 2022

More and more local businesses are contacting us asking how they can help with ensuring that families and individuals are able to cope with the unprecedented rise in basic living costs this year.

While government support is important, it is not enough for many families, or disabled and elderly people who are struggling to make ends meet – and having to make the difficult choice between heating and eating.

The impact of this crisis is triple on the children who live in Bedfordshire. After two years of disrupted education for all, too many children are facing additional challenges as they struggle to catch up with their learning while cold and hungry. Schools are approaching our partners daily to ask for emergency child and family support.

Working with our partners in the community (Food Banks and key charitable partners), we have identified what would help families most to reduce costs and stay warm and fed. Your business can work with us to raise funds to provide one of four different Warm and Fed Packs:

1. Small Warmth Pack (individual or couple) – Slow cooker, flask, blanket, hot water bottle £60.50

2. Large Warmth Pack (family) – Slow cooker, 2 x flasks, 2 x blankets, 2 x hot water bottles £121.00

3. Child’s Education Warmth Pack – Coat, scarf, hat, gloves, jumper, pyjamas, socks, hoodie blanket £114.40

4. Home Warmth & Light Pack – Efficient plug in radiator, wind-up lantern, 2 x blankets £93.50

How you can help You can help in one of two ways.:

1. By making an immediate corporate donation to our Bedfordshire Hardship Fund – we will provide acknowledgement and a social media thank you (if you wish)

2. By engaging your staff team in fundraising activities to support our Hardship Appeal. We can support this by engaging with your team, providing a poster or flyers and holding a Zoom meeting with your team to support their ideas

To arrange a no-obligation discussion with me about either of these two options to see if they are right for your company please contact

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