Enterprise House

  • No long term commitment
  • Easy in - Easy out terms
  • Plug & play telephony
  • Ample free parking

Brand new fully serviced, air conditioned office space available to view today! 

The increasing demand for smaller, out of town offices, available on flexible terms has encouraged us to expand our offering at Enterprise House. The building has had a makeover and now boasts 16 additional air conditioned offices, 6 studios, an extra kitchen and toilet facilities, plus a seminar room.

Are you looking for an environment that will support and encourage your business? Are you currently working from home and looking for your first professional office? Do you need a location that is convenient for your clients and staff alike? Enterprise House offers a superb mixture of the three... just drive down the tree lined avenue and see for yourself!

"Flexible space to suit your pace..."

Our range of serviced offices is designed to expand or contract to suit your business. Various offices are available ranging from a single occupancy room of 85Ft² to a suite of 5 offices at 1100Ft² or individual offices for 1 desk to 12 desks.

"Plug & play" broadband and VoIP telephony systems mean that you can move your business to different offices if required, without having to change your address or telephone number. Direct dial numbers are provided and non-geographic numbers are available by request.

Easy - in / easy - out terms allow you the flexibility to move in quickly or move out with just 1 months' notice, giving you the reassurance that you have no long term commitment or penalties - of course the Wrest Park Enterprise team are confident that once you have located your business here you will want to stay and enjoy the additional benefits!

Check out our client directory to see who is already part of the community at Wrest Park.


  • Thriving business community with networking opportunities
  • Fully managed facilities
  • Welcoming visitor reception & waiting area
  • Manned reception 9 - 5 Monday to Friday
  • Coffee lounge and dining area
  • Ample kitchens and washrooms
  • Rear loading bay and goods lift
  • Free tenant parking
  • On site coffee shop

Call us on 01525 306000 or complete the enquiry form today to arrange your tour of the facilities.

Gallery and Testimonials

Being a Virtual tenant it was great to be given the opportunity to attend the events, they are valuable and always useful
Adam Renevatio